Fibres West 2014
Posted by Brenda Alexander on February 21, 2014
Where has this past 11 months gone! I can't believe we're a month away from Fibres West, it seems impossible. If you haven't had a chance, check out the show website, for details on the classes, vendors, how to get there etc... We have more vendors than ever this year (55 so far) and can't wait to meet everyone in a few short weeks.
What's been going on around the shop? Well - we're busy! I've enlisted all sorts of help including darling hubby - who has kindly stuffed, labelled and mailed hundreds of our cards out to vendors, shops, guilds and other fibre related groups.
We've also been re-stocking like crazy. We received a big order of cottons from Brassard, and have ordered from Ashland Bay (brand new fibres from them this year), Hiya-Hiya, Fleece Artist, Schacht (a brand new Sidekick is on it's way) and Majacraft (a new Suzie wheel is flying over from New Zealand).
Brassard Cottons
Ashland Bay Merino
Majacraft "Suzie" $1,045 plus tax
Schacht "Sidekick" $799 plus tax
We've already had the assistance of many friends in promoting the show, many thanks to them in advance! My good friend (really, really good friend as she doesn't knit, weave or spin - yet!) has agreed to be our social media guru and is refreshing the Facebook page, opening a Twitter account and posting on our Ravelry Group page plus much more... these are the things I find it hard to get to each year, so thank-you a hundred times over to Lee :)
And who can forget classes - we have 3 already full and a few more about to max out. It's quite a job sorting out what to offer, who will teach, where to hold the classes (we're not in a swanky hotel unfortunately) and all the other little details. If you're thinking about registering, now is the time. Teachers need time to prepare and we hate to cancel and then have last minute registrations. All the details are on the website, if you need any more info, please contact us at
class registrations in progress
Until next time, happy knitting, spinning, weaving, felting...
Brenda :)